Replacing the glass in an aluminum window

A fact of life to owning a home is sometimes that the windows are broken and need to be replaced. The skilled homeowner can save some money by changing these broken windows instead of hiring someone to do it. It is even faster to replace a window pane in window frame aluminum than it is in a window frame of traditional wood.


  1. Measure the glass part of the window and then add ½ inch (1.2 cm) in height and width. If the glass is not broken measure the opening of the inner edge of the frame to the inside edge.
  2. Measures the thickness of the old glass. The standard thickness is 1/8 inch (3 mm) or 3/32 inch (2.4 mm). Make sure you buy the correct thickness.
  3. Place the glass on a table. Remove the screw on the upper right and lower left corner.
  4. Slide the corner with the screw you pulled the edge of the table. Touch the box with a rubber mallet to remove the glass. Replace the window to the other corner with retired screw hanging over the edge of the table. Play with the rubber mallet to remove glass aluminum frame.
  5. Use heavy work gloves and safety glasses, remove the rubber frame and clean every piece of glass.
  6. Using heavy work gloves and safety glasses, carefully remove the broken glass from the two sides of the structure.
  7. Place the replacement glass on the table for both sides hanging over the edge. Place the rubber on both edges.
  8. Put half of the window frame. Touch on the corner with the rubber mallet. Tap an advantage over the gum until the crystal settles. Then do it with the other edge.
  9. Repeat, turning the other half of the frame in the remaining two sides of the replacement glass.
  10. Replace the screws in the corners of the window frame.